Honoary Fellow Member

Prof. Anne CHANG completed her nurse training in 1965 at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in South Australia. Her role as a teacher and developer of university programmes for nurses began after 10 years of clinical nursing experience in Australia and United Kingdom. Prof. CHANG’s role as an educator, initially in a hospital based school of nursing followed by teaching and coordination at Queensland University of Technology, equipped her for consultancy work with the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in the establishment of the first post-registration nursing degree in Hong Kong. Prof. CHANG as a senior member of staff in the new Department of Nursing at CUHK, undertook the planning and scheduling for the new Bachelor of Nursing programme which began in 1991. Success of this programme led to expansion with the commencement of the 4-year pre-registration Bachelor of Nursing in 1995, which Prof. CHANG also developed in collaboration with department staff as well as colleagues from the acute and community clinical settings. As a member of staff at CUHK Department of Nursing from its commencement until 2002, she was also involved in development of master degree level programmes.
Prof. CHANG’s strong commitment to ensuring education and research programmes for nurses were clinically focussed led to her joint professorial appointment with Mater Hospital and QUT on her return to Australia in 2002. Her continuing research interest in promoting self-management in those with chronic disease began with her PhD at the CUHK which investigated the role of nurses in promoting stroke survivors’ self-esteem. Prof. CHANG’s dedication to advancing the role of clinical nurses and promoting practice based on evidence led to her appointment as Director of the Queensland Centre for Evidence- Based Nursing & Midwifery, a collaborating centre of Joanna Briggs Institute. Her scholarly work in Hong Kong and Australia included research, PhD supervision and publication of papers in international journals, involvement in professional organisations included membership of the Hong Kong College of Nursing and fellowship with the Australian College of Nursing.