About Us
The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing & Midwifery is committed to strive for excellence in achieving safe and quality healthcare that can benchmark with international standards, through regulating advanced nursing practice.
1. To establish a statutory credentialing system to protect the safety of the public and to legitimize advanced nursing practice; 2. To increase the visibility and professional impact of advanced nursing practice; 3. To shape health policy and in anticipating public interest and concerns; 4. Foster transdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration to enhance care quality in achieving efficient, effective and best care for the community; 5. Networking with global partners to foster advanced practice nursing development within and outside Hong Kong.
1. To advance the art and science of nursing; 2. To foster the development of research and continuing education for advanced nursing practice; 3. To assure professional and ethical conduct and standards in the practice of advanced nursing; 4. To shape health policies for the wellbeing of the public; 5. To promote and protect the health of the community; 6. To foster intersectoral and transdisciplinary collaboration as well as to network with global partners in matters concerning healthcare delivery and advanced nursing practice
1 . 制訂資格審查制度,高級護理實踐法定化,保障公眾安全 2 . 提高高級護理實踐知名度及專業成就 3 . 參與健康政策制訂,並考慮到社會公共利益和關注 4 . 促進跨學科和跨領域合作,以提高醫療護理質量,實現高效、有效和最好的照顧 5 . 與全球醫護夥伴建立網絡,以促進本地和香港以外的高級護理實踐發展
1 . 推進護理的藝術及科學 2 . 促進高級護理實踐的研究和持續教育的發展 3 . 保證高級護理實踐的標準及專業和道德操守 4 . 參與健康政策制訂,以市民福祉為前題 5 . 提升及保障市民健康 6 . 促進跨學科和跨領域合作,同時與全球合作醫護夥伴建立網絡以推進醫療健康服務 和高級護理實踐