President Message
Adding Life to
Dear Colleagues,
It is my great honour and privilege to take up the presidency of the Academy. Witnessing its conception in 2002, birth in 2012 and growing up in the past decade has brought historic memories of to my career life.
The monumental work by our fellows & members under the strong leadership of our former presidents of the Academy and our Academy Colleges laid a firm foundation for building up our profession. In the preceding presidency, we have purchased a commercial property to establish a permanent office and facilitate educational activities. This demonstrates the entrepreneurship of our nurse leaders and serves as a good business model for running independent nurse clinics. The premise serves as the home for our 14 Academy Colleges and will form a breeding site for nurturing and blooming of our fellows and members.
Nursing profession is the guard and warrior for health. Only through exceling our nurses’ capabilities that people’s health can be assured and improved. Nowadays, we are faced with immerse challenges of ever-increasing needs and expectation from the public, disintegration of familial & social support to the sick & elders, fast-paced leaps of health technologies, looming climatic changes, etc. Nurses are pivotal in reshaping, reviving and re-energizing the healthcare for safe, equitable and cost-effective care. To attain our mission of establishing a statutory credentialing system to protect the safety of the public and to legitimize advanced nursing practice, the HKANM has created a Vice-President (Professional Standard) post to guide the development of standards and advancement of practice in nursing.
The HKANM pleads for your support and appreciates your efforts in moving our profession forward.
FUNG Yuk Kuen Sylvia, BBS
Hon DHS.