Honoary Fellow Member

Mr. Ng Kwong-wah Allen began his nursing career in December 1959, with Psychiatric Nursing training in Hong Kong and General Nursing training in UK. He further had the Nursing Education training in UK and Nursing Administration training in Hong Kong Polytechnic ( Now known as Hong Kong Polytechnic University ). Mr Ng had worked in both clinical and nursing education. He was promoted to Chief Nursing Officer in Education in 1991 and retired in 1996.
Mr Ng was heavily involved in the Nursing Education not only in his daily work, he had taken up many important roles in the Nursing Board of Hong Kong (renamed as the Nursing Council of Hong Kong in 1999), such as Examiner, Chairman of various committees in from 1976 to 1996 with many outstanding achievements. One of the example was leading the Curriculum Review Committee for Castle Peak Hospital and Kwai Chung Hospital since 1984 to steer the change in Psychiatric Nursing Education in Hong Kong.
Mr. Ng had represented Hong Kong’s nursing profession attending the “3rd International Congress of Psychiatric Nursing” in London in 1986. He further participated as a Hong Kong representative in the Regulation of Nursing Project organised by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) for the South East Asia and the Western Pacific Region on matters relating to nursing regulations and standard.in 1989 and 1991.
During his illustrious education career in Hong Kong, he founded the Hong Kong Society of Nursing Education, pioneered the first Modular System of Nurse Training in conjunction with the Continuing Clinical Assessment, and introduced the first Examination Technique and Continuing Clinical Assessment Course for Clinical Assessors in Kwai Chung Hospital in 1986.
After retiring from Hospital Authority in 1996, he has been lecturer in nursing courses in mainland China and Hong Kong and acted as Professional Representative in various organisations. Other than nurturing nursing profession, Mr Ng also contributed to assisting nursing profession taking up new challenges. He had been the election agent for the nursing profession participating in the “2006 Election Committee Subsector Elections in Hong Kong. Twelve nurse leaders were elected as health service representatives in the election of the Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive in 2007.