Honoary Fellow Member

Dr MA started his healthcare career since 1980, when he joined the United Christian Hospital (UCH) as a medical officer. Since then and during his progression through various positions in his clinical career, he worked very closely with his nursing colleagues. When they have questions related to patient care, he would provide them with detailed explanation and scientific rationale for the care plan and treatments, so that they could perform their nursing tasks more effectively and could also answer questions from relatives or patients with relevant information. He also provides guidance to nurses for some of the relatively complicated procedures so that they could avoid potential complications and monitor patients more closely.
After he was promoted to the post of General Manager of Clinical Services of UCH in 1991, he was responsible for appointing most of the senior nursing managers (the Ward Managers and Department Operating Managers) of the hospital. He conducted regular management training programs for these managers and chaired a few management committees which were for nursing managers. They worked closely to implement a lot of management transformation projects and quality improvement programs with gratifying results.
Dr MA was appointed the Hospital Chief Executive (HCE) of Ruttonjee Hospital (RH) in January 1996, and later HCE of Tang Shiu Kin Hospital (TSKH) in 1998. The General Manager of Nursing (GMN) was his close partner in the senior hospital management team, and he provided a lot of strategic and operational advices to his GMN throughout his tenure. He worked hard to enhance the status and image of his nurses in the two hospitals, and provided recognition to them for their hard work in the form of flowers to every nurse on the International Nurses Day each year.
When Dr MA was rotated to the post of HCE of Caritas Medical Centre in 2008, he continued to treat his nursing managers as intimate teammates in the running of the hospital. He kept his practice of presenting flower to every nurse on the International Nurses’ Day every year.
Dr MA together with another HCE of Hospital Authority established the Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives (HKCHSE) in 2005 and started their Fellowship Training Program since then. Many nursing managers from both HA and the private sector went through the program for which he serves as the Program Director (which he continues up to the present moment). Presently many of the incumbent GMNs and senior nursing managers are their fellows. He has also served as part time lecturer in many advanced management training programs for nurses organized by universities and professional colleges over the past 20 years.
Dr MA has also attached the feedback from the nursing colleagues in Macau Kiang Wu Hospital, for which he was appointed as its Hospital Director in 2014 and up to now.