35th Online Learning Article (Course Code CNE2023-003)
Specialty: Critical Care Nursing

Title: Evidence-Based Practices in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Bangalore, S., Barsness, G.W., Dangas, G.D., Kern, M.J. Rao, S.V., Shore-Lesserson, L., Tamis-Holland, J.E.
The American Heart Association, Circulation 144:e107-e119, March 2021
DOI: 10.1161


The participant should be able to:

  • Review the evidence of common pre-procedure, intra-procedure, and post-procedure practices of cardiac catheterization laboratory.
  • Identify the best practices in cardiac catheterization procedures basing on expert opinions.
  • Update contemporary practices with evolving evidences.

Study Material

Please click here to access the Journal before taking the quiz.


For the CNE Quiz, please kindly notice:

  • There are 5 questions in the Quiz.
  • To pass, you need at least 4 correct answers.
  • You can attempt 5 times in total.
  • If you fail more than 5 times, you may have to pay for another 5 times. (Please contact HKAN office in detail)

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