23rd Online Learning Article (Course Code CNE2022-014)
Specialty: Gerontology Nursing

Title: Delirium in hospitalized older adults

Edward R. Marcantonio, M.D. Division of General Medicine and Primary Care, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Harvard Medical School, Boston N Engl J Med. 2017 October 12; 377(15): 1456–1466. doi:10.1056/NEJMcp1605501.


The participant should be able to:

  • identify the predisposing and precipitative factors of delirium,
  • compare pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of delirium,
  • Understanding the application of Confusion Assessment Method.

Study Material

Please click here to access the Journal before taking the quiz.


For the CNE Quiz, please kindly notice:

  • There are 5 questions in the Quiz.
  • To pass, you need at least 4 correct answers.
  • You can attempt 5 times in total.
  • If you fail more than 5 times, you may have to pay for another 5 times. (Please contact HKAN office in detail)

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